The information given at this workshop was extremely useful. The various activities really made the difference. We were able to utilize the information and skills as Al gave them. Al was exceptional and energized! – Workshop Participant


Good strategic planning illuminates the present, envisions the future, and maps a realistic path between the two. Poor strategic planning sits in a binder on a shelf. Good strategic planning is transformative. Nonprofits that can plan well are strong, responsive, adaptive, and vibrant. Poor strategic planning is dead on arrival. Nonprofits that plan poorly may be fragile, reactionary, stagnant, and sluggish. How can nonprofits use their resources and assets to achieve the former while avoiding the latter?

In this full-day workshop, participants will learn the essential questions and components of strategic planning and its implementation, discuss the different purposes and types of strategic planning, and consider who should be involved. Throughout, participants will consider what might work well for their organization and practical considerations for conducting strategic planning.



This workshop shop is ideal for anyone with organizational or programatic leadership responsibilities, including both board and staff.


This is a full-day workshop. It pairs well with our half-day Facilitative Leadership or  Board Governance workshops.

Previously Presented at

  • Center for Nonprofit Resources, Ohio
  • Minnesota Council of Nonprofits