Much has changed in the world since 2002. I’m proud of the way people and practices in the nonprofit sector have adapted and grown. The best leaders in this sector are relentlessly generous, and I admire them greatly. It takes a special energy and strength of will to hold onto that spirit of giving and kindness in the face of intractable challenges. If someone asked me to identify essential changes I’ve seen during my career with Aurora, I would point to these shifts:
Read more »The Executive as Vortex for Organizational Governance
I am hesitant to call it a trend, but for the past 3 years I have been observing something about the role of the executive that I had not seen as clearly before. The executive has become the vortex of governance for nonprofit organizations. Let me explain myself. I have served and continue to serve
Read more »Cultivating the Board Chair – Executive Relationship
“This relationship, like any other relationship, needs constant nourishment and care.” – Wokie Weah, President of Youthprise What we know from experience, and what the research supports, is that the relationship between the board chair and the executive is crucial to the functioning of a nonprofit organization. A board chair and executive that don’t get
Read more »Navigating the Currents of Change – Adaptive Leadership
We’ve been talking to a lot of groups lately about adaptive leadership. What we are finding is that the work of nonprofit leaders, both staff and board, is increasingly complex. We’re asking them to: Create strong staff teams, Leverage board and organizational resources, Inspire stakeholders, and Provide thoughtful and compassionate responses to strengthen and sustain
Read more »Julia Classen published in Nonprofit Quarterly
Check out Julia Classen’s article in the Spring 2011 issue of Nonprofit Quarterly “Here We Go Again: The Cyclical Nature of Board Behavior” here.
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