In this full-day workshop, participants will learn the essential questions and components of strategic planning and its implementation, discuss the different purposes and types of strategic planning, and consider who should be involved.
Read more »Workshops
Understanding Your Stakeholders
What do you know about your stakeholders? This workshop will engage participants in discussing how their organizations engage with their broader stakeholder community, why they want to hear from and learn about their stakeholders, and how to develop a plan to gather information that will best help them make decisions or improvements to shape the future of their organizations’ activities.
Read more »Facilitative Leadership
Facilitation is an essential leadership competency. Facilitative leaders take a step back and nurture collaboration, capacity, and commitment with employees, colleagues, and stakeholders. With effective facilitation, groups can work together to assess a situation, analyze information, create a plan, and make group decisions that stick.
Read more »Mission-Based Decision Making
In this workshop, we explore practical tools that organizations can use to facilitate discussions about mission and mission-based decision making: including six degrees of mission separation, strategy screen, mission/money matrix, and hedgehog theory.
Read more »Board Governance
In this workshop we review the common roles and responsibilities of a nonprofit board of directors as board members, committee members, and with relation to the CEO. We discuss two different but complimentary frameworks for board governance that include and go beyond fiduciary duty.
Read more »Evaluating for Impact
Evaluating your nonprofit’s impact can feel like the last item on a long to-do list. Impact evaluation is an important and rewarding activity, but nonprofits often don’t know where to start. In this one hour presentation, we examine: What is impact evaluation? Why is impact evaluation important? How can we do impact evaluation?
Read more »Leading with Theory of Change
A theory of change is a powerful tool that helps an organization articulate the connection between its mission and its programs, using the language of outcomes. In this workshop, we explore what a theory of change is, how an organization can use a theory of change, and the implications of a theory of change for staff and board leadership.
Read more »Effective Survey Design
Surveys are often the first or only evaluation tool used by nonprofits, but poor survey design can produce untrustworthy or irrelevant results. This workshop will introduce participants to the fundamentals of good survey design. Participants will learn strategies to choose, write, and test survey questions that are effective for their audience and evaluation purpose.
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